While others have focused
on "market share" and "branding" by building
a site or two, our focus has been on acquiring the most extensive
collection of domains in a wide variety of industries. The goal
is not to have a small market share or brand in a single area.
It is to have a small market share in every PROFITABLE market.
A good and targeted domain is the easy way to "market share".
It is an absolute no brainer when it comes to "branding".
Be prepared for many dotcom casualties -- companies built around a half assed idea that
never made a sale. Market share without profit is a spoiled child spending the
inheritance. It takes no talent to sell $100 bills for $85! NONE!!
There is a simple explanation for the lack of success on the Net. A businessman relies on
a technical staff to make strategy and sales decisions. The technician, in general, is not
capable of making decisions relating to a profitable sale. Great Webmasters, for the most
part, are not marketers with a vision towards targeting the eyes of a consumer.
The businessman MUST learn about the Net and take the lead if they are serious about
shifting from bricks to clicks. Add to that a sea of IPO "schemes" destined for
failure, setup merely to milk investors out of their savings and have folks work for free.
Thanks for stopping
by. I hope you explore my ideas and visions. I'll give you the
top 10 reasons to explore the rest of this site and it won't cost
you a dime!
Our sites get 50 million Annual visitors without paying for a
single hit.
2. While others lose millions.....we make millions. Why listen
to them?
3. We own and are developing some of the Net's most valuable domains.
4. We are becoming the #1 developer on the net one profitable
site at a time.
5. I'll point out why impression based advertising will cause
the dotcom crash.
6. I'll point out the myth about "Stickyness". (Too
7. I'll give you dozens of ideas to make money on the web not
lose money.
8. I'll show you how Amazon.com is built on a flawed business
9. I'll tell you my personal secrets of web success and ways to
do it.
10. I'll show you a different way to look at the web and how to
make $$.
Besides.......We're just looking for signs
of ANY intelligent life out there. Until now it's been a bunch of know nothings
pissing away investors money cuz nobody told them that the word "Profit" was the
reason they get up in the morning. Morons!
Most of my sites have
little or no content......I don't make cars!! I produce the FUEL
to run those cars. TRAFFIC is the fuel that runs the net. :-)))
I hold more records on the net than I can mention. One thing is
for sure, we are THE most efficient company on the entire
internet. Bar none! #1!!
All email will be read.
Most will NOT be responded as time is of the essence. My apologies
in advance. I hope you discover something here that changes your
life! I really do!
a few of our 2001/2002 domain acquisitions:
unemployed.com, colds.com, bulkmail.com, cheapest.com, protecting.com,
associations.com, astrologist.com, grandchildren.com, middleman.com,
want.com and over 500 others.
Here's a few of our 2005-2006 domain acquisitions:
Property.com purchased for $750,000 (We also purchased Properties.com in 2001)
Delray.com purchased for $15,000. CD.com purchased for $275,000
Join us along with TrafficZ,
Google.com, Yahoo!, Overture.com, Fabulous.com, Sedo.com, Moniker.com,
Pool.com, Parkered.com and many other companies when the World Association of Domain Name Developers presents.....T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 2009.
The first show ever to concentrate on TRAFFIC and domain names is now 15 shows old with the upcoming show.
A tradeshow like no other created from the ideas and beliefs you
are reading right here. Attendees so far control over 10,000,000
domain names and get in excess of 20 million DAILY UNIQUE VISITORS.
Hear the stories of success and hear qualified speakers share their stories. Click here for
further details.
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. MEANS B.U.S.I.N.E.S.S. Since 2004
New York City June 19-22 2007
Miami, Florida October 9-12 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada February 18-21 2008
Orlando, Florida May 20-24 2008
New York City September 2008
Australia, Gold Coast November 2008
Silicon Valley April 27-30 2009
Amsterdam June 1-4 2009
New York City October 26-29 2009
Milan Italy April 27-29 2010
Vancouver, Canada June 8-10 2010
Dublin, Ireland August 24-25 2010
Miami South Beach October 17-20 2010
Fort Lauderdale, Florida Oct 16-19 2011
Fort Lauderdale, Florida Oct 7-10 2012
Las Vegas, Nevada May 29-June 1 2013
Fort Lauderdale, Florida October 2013
A landmark tradeshow about domain names and the traffic they produce
A show no REAL domainer, investor or buyer of traffic can afford to miss.
We have had some great speakers over the years. Ben Stein was our first in 2004. At 125strong he said we were the second smallest group that ever paid for him to speak. Unfortunatey we have no audio or video of his moving comments. So at every other show we were sure to memorialize each show from start to finish. We love you Ben!!!

2009 Rick Sanchez of CNN (Left) in New York and Scott Klososky in Silicon Valley. Thanks to both guest speakers!

2010 Don King and Simon T. Bailey

Thanks to all of our great speakers. You have enriched our lives in ways you will never know.
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